Ms. Reid and Ms. Hamade – Henry Ford Elementary
In our classroom the children learn important academic concepts through play! Here students are painting in the art area while working on writing skills and letter recognition. During small group time the children used geoboards and rubber bands to problem solve ways to make letters and shapes. During work time children used colored shapes to make patterns and increase fine motor skills.
Ms. Werner and Ms. Rhanda – Henry Ford Elementary
In our classroom we have been doing small group activities with painting snow! The children made predictions and shared ideas about what would happen when paint was added to the snow. Children were then able to observe color mixing, as well as how the snow and colors changed over the course of the school day. Just because it’s cold outside doesn’t mean we have to stay in the classroom all day! We took our lessons to the hallways doing shape hunts around the school as well as writing around the room. During Work Time the children have been strengthening team work and problem skills by building structures with different materials. Here you can see an example of a house built with wooden blocks, puzzle blocks, and legos!
Mrs. Stortini and Ms. Chalhoub
This month the children have developed an interest in numbers! During work time the children used cups,, water, and floating balls to play a matching game. The children took turns scooping out a number and then working together to find the ball with the matching number of stars or spots. Later on during work time we used number cards and pom-poms to practice counting. Each child pulled a number card and used tweezers to count that number of pom-poms onto their plate. Once the plate was full the children predicted how many pom-poms they had altogether, and then counted to see if their guess was right.