Ms. Maier & Ms. Aldafii
The River Oaks Preschool class has been learning and interacting…in the snow! Students had fun bundling up and exploring the snow outside. We investigated why the snow melts when we hold it in our hands. What happens when we pack the snow and make a snowman. Then the days it was too cold we brought the snow inside! Painting the snow with water color paints and exploring mixing the colors. Measuring and manipulating the snow with our hands and utensils. Lots of smiles, laughs, learning, and fun!
Ms. Bass & Ms. Alawamleh
River Oaks Preschoolers just celebrated the 100th day of school by dressing up like they are 100 years old. Families worked to dress their child up in outfits and accessories to highlight an older generation. Our shy Preschoolers were a little out of their comfort zone arriving at school with gray hair and accessories they haven’t worn before- but as soon as they realized their classmates were dressed up too, they were quickly more comfortable. Children were laughing and giggling all day. It was a fun day for children and staff!