Cotter Early Childhood Center

Classroom Spotlight: Salina

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Mrs. Paulisin & Mrs. Askar – Salina Elementary Room 108

Our class has been reading a lot of books!  We recently focused on a theme of three’s: “The Three Billy Goats Gruff,” “The Three Little Pigs,” and, “Goldilocks And The Three Bears.”  As we’ve read the books, the students talked about the similarities and differences of the stories.  Some of the details they have noticed are the settings and characters of the stories.

  • “This book has three goats and the other has three pigs.”
  • “The pigs have three houses and the bears have one house.”
  • “This book has a troll but the other one has a wolf.”

The students have also been practicing their reading comprehension skills by retelling the story in multiple ways.  The students have cut out puppets and told the stories to their peers.  They have also played with felt pieces and told the stories to their families during our recent Parent Meeting.

We took a vote to see which book was our favorite.  The winner was… “Goldilocks And The Three Bears!”

Mrs. Rosales + Mrs. Morjan

Guest Reader Officer Gibson shared his daughter’s favorite book when she was young, RAWR!

Centennial Library field trip fun!

Mrs. Moisa + Mrs. Unis

In Mrs. Moisa and Ms. Unis’s class at Salina Int. we had fun exploring magnets.  We seperated items into two groups, magnetic and nonmagnetic then tested it out.   We had some fun exploring what magnets can do such as, moving magnetic items in an aluminun tray and “catching” items with our magnets.  Some of us caught a lot of magentic items with our magnetic wand!  We also learned that magnets can attract or repel depending on the pole that is facing each other and if they repel it’s funny to watch them move away!  Thanks for checking in with us and our adventures!

Mrs. Lawson and Mrs. Elgabri’s class at Salina Elementary

We learned about ways to save energy through our Super-powered Lego kit. The students worked together to create a wind turbine. Boy was it fun!

The students are building structures with magnetic tiles. Look how strong our castle is!

The students learned about safety rules in our community and how police officers help keep us safe. We met Officer Gibson and his dog, Loki. Loki has an amazing nose that can smell the faintest scent. What a good dog!

The students created a pathway for the penguin to travel to get a fish.

Healthy Living came to our classroom to talk about the importance of eating healthy food and how exercising can make our bodies strong.