Cotter Early Childhood Center

Classroom Spotlight! Whitmore Bolles + Duvall

Mr. Liepe + Mrs. Hazamy

We have been finding bugs in the ground on the playground for the past couple weeks. Now, this week we went to the U of M Environmental Interpretive Center pond study, to be scientists. We had lots of fun and saw many creatures even though the weather was cool and the water was cold. After we were done investigating we had an indoor picnic.

Mrs. Laurus + Mrs. Al-Zuhd

Our class has been enjoying learning about a variety of different living things.

We started off by planting both grass and flower seeds. We have been keeping them near a window and remembering to water them. They are really taking off with their growth!  We also planted some lettuce seeds that have begun sprouting as well. Recently we have had a racing pigeon visiting our pre-k playground! We have been bringing out birdseed to keep the pigeon well fed during its visit. Ms. Laurus’ house has a new robin nest, with three eggs in it! Ms. Laurus has a live feed webcam where we have been watching the mama robin sit on her eggs to keep them safe & warm. We are eagerly anticipating the eggs to hatch in about a week from now. Most recently, we enjoyed a field trip to the pond at the University of Michigan-Dearborn where we learned about many insects that live in the water and were also able to catch and release several tadpoles.

Mrs. Ronchetto + Mrs. Charara

We used water, rubber ducks & frogs, and spray bottles to race from one side to another. The children looked on the bottom and identified the number or letter. The children worked their fine motor skills by flipping their frog onto the lily pad. When their frog landed, they identified the letter and its’ letter sound. Then, wrote the letter on their paper. The children have been very interested in digging for bugs and worms during Outside Time.  We decided to bring some “worms” into the classroom and the children created a pattern.

Mrs. Manwell + Mrs. Malahi

We have had a very busy couple of weeks. We had a special visitor last week, Critter Gal, who brought all different kinds of animals: birds, lizards, rats, a tortoise and a bunny.

We also have been learning about measuring and comparing the sizes of each other. We wanted to figure out who had the biggest and smallest feet. Mrs. Manwell had the biggest feet of course!

We also went to the cafeteria yesterday so that we could practice eating lunch. It was so much fun practicing loading up our trays with our choices and eating at huge tables together. We are getting ready for kindergarten!