Cotter Early Childhood Center

Class News

No Further Action is Necessary

DATE: 01/06/22 TO: Families and Staff FROM: Cotter Early Childhood Center RE: COVID-19 Case Identification  A confirmed case of coronavirus (Covid-19) has been identified at school. We are working closely with the Wayne County Health Department to...

Letter from Dr. Maleyko

Letter from Dr. Maleyko

Office of the Superintendent January 1, 2022 Greetings,  Happy New Year 2022 to our entire school community!  I hope you and your family had a great holiday break. On behalf of  Dearborn Public Schools I send positive wishes for an outstanding year...

Notification Letter – No Further Action is Necessary

DATE: 12/16/2021 TO: Families and Staff FROM: Cotter Early Childhood Center RE: COVID-19 Case Identification  A confirmed case of coronavirus (Covid-19) has been identified at school. We are working closely with the Wayne County Health Department to identify...

DATE: 12/07/21 TO: Families and Staff of Cotter Early Childhood Center FROM: Cotter Early Childhood Center RE: COVID-19 Case Identification  A confirmed cases of coronavirus (Covid-19) has been identified at school. We are working closely with the Wayne County...

Classroom Spotlight!

Classroom Spotlight!

Ms. Villard and Ms. Saab - Geer Park Here are some photos of our class enjoying the outdoor Fall weather by jumping in some leaves and then bringing the outside into our sensory table to explore.  We also are working on our Fine Motor skills with hammers and nails in...

Dr. Maleyko’s Message

Please click on the link below to view Dr. Maleyko’s latest message: Schools are NOT going remote, but district will be prepared if distance learning is needed at some...

Classroom Spotlight!

Classroom Spotlight!

Ms. Saleh & Ms. Sulaiman- It's a wonderful world in room 111 with our amazing students and teachers. We are busy learners using fun and active strategies and materials. Through play we explore nature and investigate what's inside a pumpkin and a bubble (science)....

Classroom Spotlight!

Classroom Spotlight!

Mrs. Epperly & Mrs. Omar - Cotter In Room 104 we have been very busy. We have used playdough to strengthen the small muscles in our fingers.  We have been learning about colors and patterns with spiders on webs.  And we had a blast with our bubble blowing science...