No School Cotter and all Dearborn Public Schools will be closed on Thursday, February 6, 2025.
Amy Modica

Spring Break Activities for Families
Enjoy some new books, fun crafts and experiments and writing activities. RIF.ORG - Read Aloud Books PBS Kids For Families: Crafts and Experiments for Kids and Parents Reading Rockets: Fun Reading and Writing Activities
Reading With Preschoolers
Community Update
February 21, 2024 Greetings Miller and Cotter Families, As most of you are aware, there was a very scary incident in our neighborhood afterschool last Friday. A few blocks from our buildings, a person fired a gun while in their home. Although this situation was...
Cotter Spirit Week is coming NEXT WEEK!
أسبوع ممتع Monday, March 13 - Bring your favorite stuffed animal/teddy bear to school. الإثنين ، 13 مارس - أحضر الدمى المحشوة المفضلة لديك / دبدوبك إلى المدرسة. Tuesday, March 14 - Camp read along. Bring a flashlight with you الثلاثاء 14 مارس - التخييم والقراءة معا"....

Parent University at Cotter, McCollough, River Oaks and McDonald

Dearborn Public Schools Emotional Support Hotline
Flu, RSV, Other Viruses to be Aware with your Child
The news has been reporting the following information on the Flu, RSV and other viruses increasing in young children (especially toddlers and babies). NBC news reported the following: Babies and preschool-aged children are coming down with the flu, respiratory...
GSRP News: Nurse letter – COVID cases rising. Masks, vaccinations and testing recommended
May 19, 2022 Greetings Dearborn families, The district nursing team wanted to provide a brief update on Covid-19 in the community. Covid-19 transmission levels have increased in Wayne County. Our county went from a low-level rating to a high-level...